In the summertime when the grass is high!

Hey there everyone, we hope you’re having a bitchin’ summer duuuuude!

The countdown has begun to the Cinema of Horrors Drive IN! Yes, we need 30 actors and after that casting is closed-ish. We can still add you to the CALL list. If/ when actors (s) have to drop out, we need replacements. So if we call you in then the attendance requirement is waived.

Pay is $50 per night, Paid at the end of show in November, just in time for Christmas!

We will be at Col. Summers Park 97214 this Saturday the 17th from 1pm,-4pm.

Actors who stop by can fill out all the paperwork with W-9 and that’s it!

Selected Actors will be kept up to date, including two rehearsals in September, on location in Ridgefield WA. Don’t have to attend both, but one would be nice. This will be when we go over the gig, so it’s in your best interest to attend at least one.

Attack of the Mortipillarz

Production is chugging right along. We would like to thank all of the actors that showed for last week’s shoot of the Gen. Stone Bunker Scene. It was a blast!!!! We really lucked out with the talent in this movie, its coming together nicely!!!

Credit where credit is due……

The illustrated Woman has been submitted to IMDB as a completed web series. All actors / crew will be notified if accepted!

We do post trailers and clips on our YouTube Channel

The Office….

Its official, Fresh Farm Films has acquired some offices, close in se Portland! Yes, we have secured some office space to meet actors, film scenes, table reads, and pot lucks! Yes we can do all of this at:

Fresh Farm Films

109 se Alder st

Suite M186 & M187

Portland, OR 97214

Well that’s about it. I’ve got to get out of the sun and order some new business cards, exciting stuff!

We would like to thank everyone whose worked with us these past 3 years and have helped us grow and evolve, into what we’re not sure yet, but it’s definitely getting bigger and funner!!!!!

Thank you Portland!

-Peter Grey / Brandon Lawrence

Fresh Farm Films

109 se Alder st

Suite M186 & M187

Portland, OR 97214